Sunday, February 08, 2009

Element Sizes

I found this info:

Brads, eyelets, corners, other small elements - 3x3 canvas
Tags - 4x3 canvas; several minitags can be put on the same canvas.
Alphas - 2x3
Monograms and Coasters - 5x5
Frames - rectangle/oval - 5x7
Frames - square/round - 5x5 or 6x6
Fibers, ribbon, necklaces, belts - 16x16 and either 1, 2, or 3" in width, depending on the size you're making. 16x16 allows for corner to corner on the diagonal, but 13" is a good size to use as well.

Remember, you want to make your elements larger than the size they will be
used, to ensure that when said elements are reduced in size they will still have
the same detail.

posted by vkimmycat at Digi Kreations

Love, Renee

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